FREE APMP Practitioner-Level Prep Webinars (Winter 2025)

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APMP Practitioner-Level Prep Webinar Series

For the APMP Practitioner level certification, participants prove that they have a detailed understanding of the key concepts and terms and that they have already used them extensively.

This certification level is open to all APMP members with at least three years of experience who have already obtained the APMP Foundation™ qualification.

We will support you in your preparation for the Practitioner exam.

The CSK Practitioner Webinar offers a Preparation Workshop over the web (e.g. using Zoom). To combine the cost benefit of a typical web-based solution with the advantages of an on-site training, CSK offers two Webinar sessions (120-150 minutes each).

To compensate with the potential disadvantage of the fact that you might not be able to attend a session, we record both sessions for you so that you still have access to the same content, too.

Your Trainer

Approved Training OrganisationChristopher S. Kälin is a global authority on bid and proposal management.

He gives public and corporate seminars, conducts live and virtual training programmes on how to win more business with convincing proposals and bid management best practices. He has worked with companies around the world to improve their success rate, creating over 50 billion dollars in business. He was co-founder and chairman of the APMP DACH chapter and Regional Director for Europe/Africa. He is APMP certified at the Professional Level (CPP APMP) and is an APMP Approved Trainer. In 2013, he also received the prestigious Fellows Award. He is the author of The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium, the most comprehensive reference book in the bid and proposal space.


Thu, January 9, 2025:

  • 9.00 a.m. ET/EST (Eastern US)
  • 2.00 p.m. GMT (London)
  • 15:00 CET (Paris, Frankfurt, Rome)
  • 6.30 p.m. IST (India)

Fri, January 17, 2025:

  • 9.00 a.m. ET/EST (Eastern US)
  • 2.00 p.m. GMT (London)
  • 15:00 CET (Paris, Frankfurt, Rome)
  • 6.30 p.m. IST (India)

After the course, you can register with APMG International for the online exam at a date of your choice. We will explain in detail how this works as part of the course.

Your Investment: It's FREE! (excl. exam fee, excl. APMP membership, excl. options)

CSK is the ONLY Accredited Training Organisation offering an APMP Practitioner prep course free of charge!

The course includes:

  • Live access to both webinar sessions (120-150 minutes each)


  • Option Pack: USD 45 / EUR 45
    • Online handout (flipbook format) of all shown slides
    • Access to recorded sessions (100 days)
  • The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium (paperback: USD 75 / EUR 75 or eBook: USD 49 / EUR 49)

The Webinar is comprised of two Webinar sessions (up to 120 minutes).

Between the Webinar sessions, you will be able to go through sample questions.

This CSK Certification Prep Course includes the following elements:

  • Overview of the APMP Practitioner certification
    • Exam approach
    • Exam structure
    • Question types
  • Methodical exam preparation and tips on how to pass
  • How to register for the exam
  • Sample questions
  • First preparatory webinar (120 minutes):
    • Overview of the APMP Practitioner assessment (Objective Testing Exam, OTE)
    • How to prepare
    • How to approach exam questions (different question types and styles)
    • How to register
    • Sample questions

  • (after first session, candidates work on a sample exam and prepare using APMP BoK and Compendium)

  • Second preparatory webinar (up to 120 minutes)
    • Review of sample questions
    • Review of critical content
    • Answering candidates’ questions
  • At least 3 yrs of experience
  • APMP member
  • Passed APMP Foundation-Level



Alle Daten

  • 2025-01-17
  • 2025-01-09
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