Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

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Chris Kälin in nFold round table 'Lightbulb Moments' on Oct 13

Lightbulb MomentsChris Kälin will be part of nFold's 'Lightbulb Moments' round table on 13 October, talking about 'Digital Transformation in Proposal Management':

Proposal technology allows for speed and efficiencies that, perhaps optional pre-pandemic, have made it not only viable but essential for bid teams.

Digitally enabled solutions help reduce the anxiety of responding to RFPs. From data-powered opportunity intelligence tools and automated responses to tracking progress, simplified collaboration, and analysing language improves quality, clarity, and compliance.

Focus on quality and automate quantity.

Proposal teams should focus their energy on quality outputs by saving time on mundane, repetitive tasks.

In this edition of nFold’s Lightbulb Moments, we explore technology and digital transformation in bid and proposal development. We aim to shed light on how proposal technology makes bidding easier by looking at solutions to typical proposal challenges.

Technology alone is not the solution, and so through this series, we will share thought leadership to encourage the use of proposal technology in South Africa. We will help you determine if you are ready for proposal automation and, if you are, show you how to optimise your return on investment.

The series kicks off with a live round table webinar with proposal experts debating the pros and cons of technology and digital transformation in proposal management. The panellists will share their views around proposal qualification, the value of content libraries, response compliance and effective proposal language.

The panel will set an objective basis to explore some of the available proposal technologies on the market.

Reserve your seat now:

Date: 13 October 2021

Time: 9 am SAST/CEST


  • Chris Kälin, CSK Management, Switzerland
  • Nigel Dennis, Bid Write, Australia
  • Izane Cloete-Hamilton, nFold, South Africa

Click here to join Zoom

Meeting ID: 871 4534 7087

Passcode: 543016

The Compendium officially gained APMP CEU approval
Chris Kälin speaking at Loopicon 2021
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