Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

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Jetzt vorbestellen: The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium

The ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium

Coming soon!

Bald ist endlich die lang erwartete englische Version unseres Bid-Kompendiums erhältlich: The Ultimate Bid and Proposal Compendium

It is the most complete reference guide for winning bid, tenders, and proposals. It provides everything you need to know to beat your competition with better prosposals.

It covers best practices for truly all aspects of bid and proposal management, also including all topics tested in the  APMP-Foundation™-Level exam.

A must-have book for bid and proposal managers!

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Klaus Pohlmann präsentiert an der APMP-Jubiläumsko...
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