CSK's APMP Foundation-Level™ Webinar

CSK APMP Foundation-Level Prep Webinar

The CSK Certification Webinar offers its proven Certification Preparation Workshop over the web (e.g. using Zoom). To combine the cost benefit of a typical web-based solution with the advantages of an on-site training, CSK offers a series of three Webinar sessions with a high level of interaction with a real trainer. As opposed to typical online training concepts, CSK provides interactive access to a real trainer delivered over the web. This means learners can resolve issues in real time and comprehension and retention is increased.

To compensate with the potential disadvantage of the fact that you might not be able to attend all the series, we record all webinars for you so that you still have access to the same content, too.

Registration: To check for the next series, visit our event calendar.

Workshop Description

The webinar is comprised of three training series of 60-90 minutes each. Experience shows that sessions longer than this result in a clearly reduced learning effect.


Between the webinar sessions, you will (according to your level of experience and skills) be able to go through exercises and online sample questions.


The CSK Certification Training includes the following elements:

The five Key Competence Areas are:

  • Sales
  • Information Research and Knowledge Management
  • Proposal Planning
  • Proposal Development
  • Proposal Management

The participants learn the APMP specific terminology.

To prepare for the exam, we guide the participants how to use of the APMP Body of Knowledge and provide typical sample questions.

After the webinar series (but within 1 year after registration with APM Group), you will individually log-in to take the online examination.

Your Benefits

APMP CEUThis webinar combines the cost benefit of a typical web-based solution with the advantages of an on-site training:

  • Efficient, web-based delivery, highly interactive due to access to real trainer
  • No travel cost
  • No travel time required
  • Distributed over three weeks — no "block time" needed

This webinar is eligible for APMP CEUs.




The Foundation Level is aimed at proposal professionals with one to three years of experience. Your one-year minimum experience working in a bid and proposals related environment will be verified with a reference you choose.

Time and Dates

To find out about (and register for) the next webinar series, please visit our event calendar

Course and Examination Fees

CSK Webinar Course Fee (excluding exam fee)

The course fee includes:

  • Tuition fee
  • All handouts (printable PDF), excl. Compendium
  • Access to two complete sets of 75 sample questions each
APMP Examination Fee* (online exam)

Please either register separately with APMG for the online examination after the completion of the webinar at: https://www.apmg-international.com/ or book one of our exam dates through CSK.

APMP members**: USD 400.00

Non-members: USD 600.00

*Pricing for APMP's exam is provided here for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time and without notification. Please contact APMP directly for more information on the exam and pricing, or to schedule an exam.

**The annual membership is USD 160 (December 2020). See http://www.apmp.org under "Membership".


CSK is an Approved Training Organization (ATO) of APMP®

CSK: Approved Training Organisation (ATO) of APMP (Association of Proposal Management Professionals)All prospective ATOs must go through an exhaustive approval process to ensure they meet the high quality course delivery of APMP certification standards. The process includes designating a lead trainer, attending and auditing workshops led by APMP's Chief Examiner, developing course materials that meet APMP certification standards and having those materials approved.

CSK is highly qualified to run this Certification Webinar. CSK is a specialised training and consulting provider, focusing exclusively on Proposal Management. The course program has been developed for bid and proposal professionals seeking to increase their win rates and to pass APMP's Foundation-Level Certification. CSK has helped hundreds of candidates to pass APMP's certification.


Please go to our event calendar

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