Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

Das große Bid-Management-Kompendium


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CSK Training Portfolio

CSK 3B bibliothek

Sales vs Procurement: The Secrets Unveiled at the Negotiation Table

Titel:      Sales vs Procurement: The Secrets Unveiled at the Negotiation Table
Kategorien:      other, Sales, Networking and Business Development, CSK Recommendations
BuchID:      194
Autor:      Paul Rogers, Elliot Epstein
ISBN-10(13):      978-1721788552
Verlag:      CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publikationsdatum:      2018
Edition:      1
Number of pages:      0
Sprache:      Englisch
Bewertung:      0 
Bild:      cover

Sales and Procurement have been dealing with each other for a very long time, often with the mixed messages Dr John Gray famously talked about in his blockbuster ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ It’s a landscape filled with tenders, negotiations, probity, sales quotas, savings targets, strategy, very different personalities, varying expectations and hundreds of tactics. This book takes you ‘behind the curtain’ by giving you unique insights into the thinking, strategy and tactics of both professional sales people and professional procurement practitioners. It is written in the style of a ‘fly on the wall’ conversation between us as we discuss, debate, argue and educate each other, and in turn, you, about the real mindsets, tactics and approaches of each side.

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