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CSK Training Portfolio

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Panalpina's Tendering Team: Second Round of APMP Foundation-Level Certification

Panalpina CertificationOn February 13, twelve tender managers from Panalpina completed the APMP Foundation-Level Certification. The participants from Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Italy, Dubai and the Czech Republic attended the two-day workshop led by CSK's Chris Kälin. All participants successfully passed the 75-question exam at the end of the workshop.


The certification workshop was the second wave of a comprehensive initiative, led by Patrick Güth, Senior Vice President and Panalpina's Global Head of Tender Management, bringing Panalpina's global tendering team to a next level.

"This is a great step forward in leveraging best practices in our tender management. The APMP certification reinforces our tender management as an important role within Panalpina. It also demonstrates a personal commitment of each team member", says Daniel Jones, Regional Head of Tender Management Europe.

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